Message and details of Chairman

As the population and the mechanized society are increasing, various opportunities are also increasing, so is extreme moral degradation. Various social problems are being created in the society. This world, society and the world are a marketplace. And Maya, compassion and love are the illusions of the world. The ultimate truth is that this beautiful world is temporary. There is no greater truth than this that we have to leave such a beautiful world. Liberation in the afterlife. I think that people affected by diabetes live like mentally disabled people. The only reason for this is that people in our society still do not have a clear idea about diabetics. Due to which many people say many negative things. And initially, people affected by diabetes are physically and financially affected due to not getting treatment. There are various superstitions in the society about the diverse group of people, the hijras. And because of this superstition, they are humiliated in many ways. We all have to come forward to eliminate this problem.By doing these things, the common people will benefit and on the other hand, it will play an important role in building a beautiful society.

Educational Qualifications of the President:

BSS (Hon’s); MSS (Social Work), Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet

Masters of Public Health-MPH (HM), NUB, Dhaka

Training on counseling (Clinical Psychology), DU, Dhaka

Training on Diabetes (Certificate in Diabetes Awareness: CF-BD)

Training on Fire Services (Fire & Civil Defense), Govt.Civil defense



1| The Situation of street walking Prostitutes (A study conducted in Sylhet City of Bangladesh), LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany, printed in the U.S.A (reha gmbh, DudweilerstraBe72, 66111 saarbrucken,,

2| e„‡Ë k~b¨ wWwMÖ, Dcb¨vm, Aby¯^vi cÖKvkbx, cÖKvkmvj, GKz‡k eB‡gjv,2016 (Avgiv g‡b Kwi A‡bK wKQz †c‡qwQ, Avm‡j wK †c‡qwQ?)

3| Mnx‡b wbbv`, Dcb¨vm, cÖPjb cÖKvkbx, cÖKvkmvj, GKz‡k eB‡gjv,2017 (Avgiv A‡bK mgq gvbyl wPb‡Z fzj Kwi)

4| wbivkvq bZzb c„w_ex, Dcb¨vm, cÖPjb cÖKvkbx, GKz‡k eB‡gjv,2018 (wbsmšÍvb `¤úwˇ`i gv‡S wek^vm Awek^vm wb‡q `v¤úZ¨ Kjn)

5| Wvqv‡ewUm t Kzms¯‹vi bq m‡PZbZv, cÖeÜ, ÔG‡mv m‡PZb nB Kj¨vY ms¯’v (GmB)Õ †_‡K cÖKvwkZ n‡e, GKz‡k eB‡gjv, 2025


B‡jUªwb· wgwWqv t

  1. ÔAvgvi fvebv AMAR BHABNA’ bv‡g BDwUDe P¨v‡b‡ji wmBI, Dc¯’vcK, cø¨vbvi wn‡m‡e KvR KiwQ| m‡PZb wUwf bvUK Ges †cÖvMÖvg Gi w¯ŒÞ wjLwQ|
  2. mvgvwRK mgm¨v Ges m‡PZbZvg~jK wewfbœ Bmy¨ m¤ú‡K© ˆ`wbK cwÎKvq Dc-m¤úv`Kxq Kjvg wj‡L _vwK|

Present professiona & others acticities :

Assistant Director (Social welfare Department) : BIRDEM General Hospital, DHAKA.
Director (Community Development): GivingTuesday Bangladesh

Member (Central office) : Nirapath Sarak Chai (NISCHA), Dhaka

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